#GazelleBusiness2022 🏆

Good to end the year with such information…

Good to end the year and be among such winners!

Good to end the year being a Business Gazelle 2022 😊

This is yet another award given to FCA S.A. by Puls Biznesu. It’s a confirmation of our development and, above all, motivation to carry out more projects.

#FCAteam – this is our award!


📑 Business Gazelles is Poland’s oldest, most reliable and most popular ranking of small and medium-sized companies. “Puls Biznesu” has been organizing it continuously since 2000, carrying out the mission of supporting entrepreneurship. The ranking is based on the most objective criteria – financial performance. Presence in the ranking means that the company belongs to the elite of small and medium-sized companies – not only is it developing dynamically, but it is also transparent.


Source 👉 https://www.pb.pl/gazele/


#gazelebiznes2022 #pulsbusiness